IRS Binder Section 4 Evidence Table - sort 1 - In order received or sent by Alan Hamilton vs sort 2 - In chonological order (of original communication) - (Tax Fraud, evasion, money laundering Evidence)

Order recd/sent Date received/sent TagName short evidence description tag Chrono - date on original document Chrono Order IRS location
1 8/26/2008 and 9/9/2008 SH-AH-C1

8/26/2008, Sylvia Hamilton tells Estate/Trust attorney Wayne Gronquist that she took $800,000 in Annuities from the Estate-Trust. Attorney informs Alan Hamilton on 9/9/2008 and schedules an appointment with Sylvia Hamilton's CPA Danny Davila. See written Sylvia's confession/accounting on 10/28/2009 for Probate Judge.

8/26/2008 and 9/9/2008 6 WG Billing Records (web only-to scan still)
2 9-10-2008 DD-AH-C1 Ticker Tape received (DD to AH) 9-10-2008 8 C
3 9-10-2008 T1 2004 - Fraudulent, by Sylvia Hamilton and Danny Davila, CPA 8-28-2008 7 Fraudulent Taxes Binder
4 10-16-2008 DD-AH-C2 Trust Tax Request sent (AH to DD) 10-16-2008 9 C
5 12-4-2008 DD-AH-C3 Demand for Payment received (DD to AH after AH request to see prepared taxes.) 12-4-2008 11 C
6 1-12-2009 prev-DD-MO-C1 MofO, Danny Davila DPOA-Letter-Form received 8/6/2004 and 10/8/2004 4 C


3-10-2009 DD-AH-P1

Phone message from Danny Davila - "I don't know or care who the Executor is". Shows his "Teflon Danny" attitude, that he will do whatever he wants, despite the law.

Also, on website, see 3/10/2009 email referred to by Davila in phone message he left for Alan Hamilton, and the 3/11 to 4/15/2009 emails which followed, in order to obtain a copy of Davila's Hamilton Tax Folder on 4/14/2009, finally, 9 months into the investigation.

3/10/2009 12 audio web only
8 3-13-2009 T2 2004-Amended,2005,2006 - Fraudulent, by Sylvia Hamilton and Danny Davila, CPA 10/29/2008 (2004-Amended), 9/2/2008 (2005), 10/20/2008 (2006) 10 Fraudulent Taxes Binder
9 4-14-2009 DD-AH-BILL Billing Records - shows 2004-2006 tax extensions filed by Danny Davila, CPA 2004-2009 5 IRS Binder-section 5
10a 4-14-2009 T3 2003 - by Sylvia Hamilton and Danny Davila, CPA, see 2003 Tax Extracts below 7/12/2004 3a 2003 entire - web only
10b 4-14-2009 2003-EX-1 2003 1040 Extracts, Maurine Hamilton not "broke" as Davila claimed, "filing as surviving spouse"-Trust becomes Irrevocable on spouse's death so 1041 must be filed in 2004 and K1s sent to beneficiaries. Maurine, Alan and Sylvia all beneficiaries of Trust. Tax reducing-generation skipping A/B/C Trust. Standard Estate Tax Planning Trust which CPAs and Estate Lawyers (like Brad Seals) do daily. 7/12/2004 3b

IRS Binder-section 6

10c 4-14-2009 2003-EX-2 2003 1099 "Trust" Extracts, "Trust" on Bank 1099s 7/12/2004 3c IRS Binder- section 6
11 4-14-2009 prev-DD-BS-C2 Brad Seals to Danny Davila email 6/7/2004 2 C
12 10-28-2009 T4 2002 - by Maurine Hamilton and Dorothy Milek, CPA (On original Trust Team)

4/13/2003 1 web only
13 10/28/2009 SH-AH-C2 Sylvia delivers written confession/accounting for Probate Judge on 10/28/2009, with 2002, 2003 taxes, Alfred Hamilton Will and other documents. 10/28/2009 13 IRS Binder- section 7
      see DA Binder Evidence Table for Embezzlement Evidence      
Notation notes:

C in location column = in IRS Binder Communications Tab - section 4.

TagNames are contructed as follows:

In TagNames, (C) notates a communication between the people with the initials of the TagName, received or sent. i.e. DD-AH-C1 is a communication between Danny Davila and Alan Hamilton. Communcations sometimes contain multiple email reply or responses or enclosures and the TagName is used to refer to the entire package or the element referred to within it.

Initials used are: DD = Danny Davila, AH = Alan Hamilton, SH= Sylvia Hamilton, BS = Brad Seals, WG = Wayne Gronquist

Click on TagNames above to see Evidence descriptions at the IRS Evidence Binder-TOC - section 4, or printout the IRS Binder Evidence Descriptions alone.